1. Physical Rehabilitation (Health Care Ministry)
- medical-dental mission, medical services, medication, first aid services and training, hospital visits,
anointing of the sick, giving communion to the sick, home visitation, rescue
operations, free ambulatory services and other related services.
2. Psychological Recovery (Counseling Ministry)
- guidance and counseling, accompaniment training programs, assist programs, clinical therapy,
reintegration, consultancy and referrals.
3. Social Response (Welfare Ministry)
- Childcare Ministry
Program: welfare, rehabilitation, development and evangelization of children
Projects: orphanage, welcome home, half-way house, learning center, pre-school and elementary education
Activities: medication, rehabilitation, therapies, education, spiritual activities, linkage and networking, legal assistance
Beneficiaries: poor, malnourished, abandoned, or abused children, and children with physical and mental disabilities - Youth Ministry
Program: welfare, rehabilitation, development and evangelization of the youth
Projects: youth centers, dormitories, welcome home,half-way house
Activities: scholarship program, youth organizations, volunteer
groups, training and skills development seminars, counseling, peer ministry, tutorials, youth camps, legal
assistance, linkage and networking, spiritual retreats and recollections
Beneficiaries: youths from poor families, orphans, youths in problematic or critical situations, youths with physical and mental disabilities - Geriatrics Ministry
Program: Rehabilitation, Welfare and Evangelization of the Elderly
Project: Home for the Abandoned Elderly Persons, Hospice
Activities: Medication, Rehabilitation, Palliative
Medicine, Psychological and Spiritual Direction, Care and Assistance to the Elderly and the Dying, Interment Services for the Poor
Beneficiaries: Poor, Sick or Abandoned Elderly Persons - Community Development Ministry
Program: Development and Evangelization of Rural and Urban Poor Communities Projects: Community organization, Basic Ecclesial Communities, cooperatives, livelihood and training programs
Activities: Livelihood and Training Seminars. Workshops. Sacramental and para-liturgical celebrations.
Beneficiaries: Rural and Urban Poor Residents - Communications & Multi-Media Ministry
Program: Media Evangelization
Project: Publication and Production
Activities: editing, printing, recording, video-editing, publishing, linkage and networking
Beneficiaries: individuals, companies, church personnel, and society - Special Ministries (Ministry to Marginalized Sectors, e.g.: prisoners, farmers, vendors, and other marginalized sectors)
Program: Social Advocacies and Spiritual Renewal
Project: Communications and Development Center, Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Desk, Socio-Pastoral Institute, Institute for Sectoral Studies and Advocacies
Activities: Organization, Training, Monitoring,
Networking, Communications, Publications
Beneficiaries: Marginalized Sectors
4. Spiritual Renewal (Renewal Ministry)
- Healing and Renewal Center, celebration of sacraments, retreats and recollections, prayer groups, spiritual confraternities.